Student and Tutor Assessment

Tutor Assessment of Student

This assessment form is designed to illustrate the developmental progression of three complex skills within CBL tutorials:

  1. Collaborating with a Team in a Professional Environment

  2. Communicating Medical Information

  3. Clinical Decision Making and Provision of Care

Student’s behaviours are listed in the order that they are expected to be demonstrated (i.e. beginning of year 1, end of year 1, and end of year 2 in preparation for clerkship). It is anticipated that many students will demonstrate Year 2 behaviours in Year 1. Using this tool, you can provide students with feedback and suggestions for progress. Your assessment will contribute to the aggregated information about each student, collected over the course. Tutors fill out the Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) online through One45. Log-in details are issued to each tutor at the commencement of the cluster, and these log-in details continue for any subsequent tutoring.

Link to One45

Sample WBA Form

Student Feedback and Assessment Template (Opens in Excel)

One45 Instructional Manual

Assessment Online Module for CBL Tutors


Student Assessment of Tutor

The Undergraduate Medical Education Program (UGME) Program requires that all teachers are assessed and receive feedback on their teaching. This includes CBL. Students will anonymously assess their tutors at the end of a cluster, and tutors will receive a compiled report from their Site Lead, approximately 1 month after the end of the cluster.

Sample Assessment of Teacher by Learner - Small Group form

Assessment of Teachers by Learners Policy

For more information regarding Tutor Feedback, please look at the Faculty Development page on "Feedback to Teachers". 


The “Assessment Handshake”

The WBA is released to students on the last day on the cluster. Students can only see their WBA if they have submitted their Student Assessment of Tutor. This protects in the anonymity of the student, and ensures that the tutor receives an assessment from all students.


Flagging Students