What is CBL?
Case-Based Learning (CBL) is an approach to small group learning for students in Years 1 and 2 of the MD Undergraduate Program. The CBL cases are designed to shift the focus of student learning from foundational science to clinical knowledge and skills development, with opportunities to demonstrate communication skills and model professional behaviors. Over three tutorials a week (Year 1), or two tutorials a week (Year 2), students are presented with patient information and probing questions to articulate, elaborate, and apply their medical science knowledge and develop differential diagnoses and patient management approaches. This active learning solidifies the students’ knowledge and understanding of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of disease processes. Throughout Year 1 and Year 2, the cases will progressively increase in difficulty and become more undifferentiated.
What is the role of the CBL tutor?
The CBL tutor guides a group of 8 students through a weekly case pertaining to the week topic. The CBL tutor is provided in advance with a comprehensive Tutor Guide to the weekly case. The CBL tutor is not required or expected to be a content expert.
Tutor a group of 8 students in the discussion of weekly CBL cases over a cluster.
- Guide students to achieve weekly case objective
- Complete mandatory Workplace-Based Assessments (WBAs) (mid-cluster and end-of-cluster)
- Monitor student attendance and report any absences or concerns to the Course or Site Directors
- Mandatory participation in all weekly tutor meetings, and pre-cluster meeting.
Time Commitment
CBL sessions for Fall/Winter terms are divided into blocks, called clusters. Each CBL cluster is 4-5 weeks long. During each cluster, CBL tutors are expected to spend on average 5-7 hours per week tutoring (7 hours for Year 1 medical students, 5 hours for Year 2 medical students). These hours include a 1 hour tutor meeting held every Thursday (Year 2) or Friday (Year 1) of the cluster.
Example of scheduling
- Year 1 Tutorials: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 – 9:50am (some scheduling exceptions apply e.g. Statutory Holidays)
- Year 2 Tutorials: Tuesday, Thursday, 8:00 – 9:50am (some scheduling exceptions apply e.g. Statutory Holidays) )
- "Pre-cluster" meeting: 7:00 – 8:00 am on first day of cluster
- Tutor meetings: every Thursday (Year 1) or Friday (Year 2): 10:00 – 11:00am