Propose Public FLEX Activity

Students, this form is only for Activity Supervisors who are recruiting students.

Students have a separate upload system which keeps their student-initiated projects from being made widely available to other students.

All fields marked with an asterisk ( ) must be filled in.

Some information is missing or invalid, and has been marked in red. Please correct it and resubmit the form.

Contact Information

The individual submitting this proposal. Can be different from the Activity Supervisor.

Activity Description

Please provide 3-5 high-level points that describe your Activity and area of interest.
Please provide a high level overview of your program or area of interest. Specifically, please outline the role(s) that a student might play as part of this Activity. If needed, please outline how your activity (or components of it) could be completed remotely and what access can be provided to help the student do so (e.g. VPN access).
Does the student require any particular background or competency to engage in your Activity (training, experience, etc.)?
Populations who disproportionately experience adverse health care interactions and health outcomes.
Along with a literature review (required by the FLEX program), what deliverables or outcomes will the students produce? If so please list them below. Please note that these should be discussed with the student(s). (Examples: documentation, educational material, publications, presentation, public workshop, etc.)

Activity Delivery and Location Details

Will the student need to travel to your activity’s site or can the student work on the proposal remotely from any location – as long as they have a good internet connection (i.e. distance learning)?
Information regarding primary location of proposal


Activity Period

Please specify how long this proposal should remain in the FLEX Catalogue. Minimum duration is 12 months from Start Date.

Note: This proposal will be deactivated from the FLEX Catalogue by your indicated End Date. Contact the FLEX Manager ( for any required edits or updates.

Activity Timing

Please check the cycles in which your proposal is available and the maximum and minimum number of students (click CYCLE box first, then fill in MAX #, MIN # OF Students and Est. # of Hours). For the exact dates for the current academic year, please see the "Call for Proposals"

Year 1 Students (MEDD 419)

  MEDD 419 Cycle Start Date End Date Description # of Hours # of Students
Max Est. Min Max
FLEX Block (32 hrs/wk)AprJun6 weeks full time188

Year 2 Students (MEDD 429)

  MEDD 429 Cycle Start Date End Date Description # of Hours # of Students
Max Est. Min Max
FLEX Half-Days (4 hrs/wk) + FLEX Block (32 hrs/wk)SepMay18 half-days (Sep-Apr) + 3 weeks full time (mid April-early May)164

Year 4 Students (MEDD 449)

  MEDD 449 Cycle Start Date End Date Description # of Hours # of Students
Max Est. Min Max
FLEX Block (32 hrs/wk)NovDec4 weeks full time128
You can request edits to an existing activity at any time by contacting the Flex Manager (